Costume Hunting News and Notes 7.8.13

As promised, the WSF gang spent Wednesday night on the move in Lexington. We were scouring the streets to costume up for our newest ghost hunting project. From the mall, to second-hand stores, to vintage shops, to Thrift Store Row on New Circle, to a diner full of greasy goodness, we knocked it out in unparalleled style. In the aftermath of that night, I have a few notes I'd like to send out to the people and patrons of that fine city.

To Dillards,
Your forty-dollar bow ties are way too pricey for the Walk Softly budget. Yes, perhaps I should have known that you aren't in the economical costuming business, but know this:  you just lost your shot at the BIG TIME.

To Aprés Vous Gently Worn Clothing store,
Your mid-90s University of Kentucky track suit that was recently marked down to $5 is AMAZING and if any one of us had been able to put it to use, we absolutely would have taken it off your hands.

To the ladies of Street Scene,
Thank you for your awesome vintage wares and providing us with the bulk of Todd's costume right from the jump. With a three-piece suit, powder blue tuxedo shirt, and those tinted glasses, we were well on our way to a look fit for an eccentric psychic.

To the Thrift Stores of New Circle,
You are the best. New Circle Salvation Army, there has never been a better organized thrift store in all of creation. Your clothes aren't just organized by garment, but also by size AND color?? Are you kidding me? Your selection is huge and you always, always come through for us. But, next time, maybe be a bit nicer to that girl who may have been hallucinating and just wanted to buy your couch. She had enough problems dealing with her withdrawal tremors, she didn't your attitude on top of it. And, New Circle Goodwill, thank you for your incredible stock of authentic police shirts. No longer should anyone in Lexington ever have to buy low quality police costumes that have ridiculous nametags like Officer Ben Drinking.

To Parkette Drive-In,
Well done. Well done. Your tater tots were crispy, your chili cheese fries were as delicious as they were artery-clogging, and your orange float was heaven in a cup. Oh, and the water in your sink was about 600 degrees Kelvin, so beware of lawsuits.

Allen and Todd literally on the run from The Scratcher.
To Guy in Basketball Shorts at Parkette,
Look buddy, I don't know what you've got going on down South, but a 10 minute, uninterrupted, hand-inside-the-shorts, scratch to your nether-regions is neither appreciated in a restaurant nor is it a good sign for you personally. Time to either hit the showers for a serious scrub down or make a doctor's appointment.

And with that imagery, I'll bid you adieu. Come back for Indie Wednesday and a big week of updates. The aforementioned ghost hunting shoot is this Friday night, so we'll have plenty to say about it.  If you aren't following us on Twitter, now would be a good time to get some live updates from the shoot.